Join us Friday, April 8th as we host one of our favorite meetings of the year!  Is it the truth?  Is it fair to all concerned?  Will it build goodwill and better friendships?  Will it be beneficial to all concerned?  
We are excited to welcome the winners of the 4-Way Speech and Essay contests!!  We greatly appreciate the students from Perrysburg Junior High School, St. Rose, and Perrysburg High School for taking the time out of their schedule to write and read their essays to our club.  They have worked really hard and always bring a great perspective to our 4-Way Test!
To pay for your lunch online, please click here to log into your Rotary Account.  Then click on "My Account Balance" to pay for your lunch.  Lunch is $16.00.  We will also be accepting payment at the meeting by check or exact cash. 
A buffet meal will be hosted at the Carranor starting at 11:45am.   
A Zoom link for this hybrid meeting will be sent out to membership on Friday, April 8th at 9:30 am.